The Lady of the House of Love

The Lady of the House of Love

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Davonna Juroe
Sep 28, 2010 rated it it was amazing
Really dandy gothic short story nearly a female vampire living in a bedraggled castle, lying in look for her side by side male victim.

The story was originally written as a radio play entitled Vampirella which was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in 1976.

Angela Carter's phonation is poetically rich and decadent nevertheless she strikes the perfect rest between her descriptions and moving the story forward. The kickoff of this brusque story can near be thought of every bit a day in the l

Really nifty gothic brusk story about a female person vampire living in a bedraggled castle, lying in await for her side by side male person victim.

The story was originally written as a radio play entitled Vampirella which was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in 1976.

Angela Carter'south vocalization is poetically rich and decadent yet she strikes the perfect balance between her descriptions and moving the story forward. The beginning of this short story can nigh exist thought of equally a 24-hour interval in the life of a female vampire. And so, drawing from the the story of Sleeping Beauty, the second function describes the unfolding of a young solider who, while bicycling near the castle, knocks on her doorstep to seek shelter. However, this is not your typical vampire story with your typical vampire ending. ;)

Bully stuff!

...more than
Jesica Canto
May 18, 2020 rated it really liked it
Muy interesante, al leerlo me llevo a pensar en Elizabeth Bathory, también conocida como La Condesa Sangrienta, aunque no habla de ella las similitudes están, ya que ella fue la primera mujer a la que se consideró vampiro y entre sus antepasados se encuentra Vlad Tepes, en quien esta inspirado el personaje de Drácula.
Me tope con este relato por casualidad y fue en el momento exacto ya que estuve y aun estoy investigando mucho de vampiros y La Condesa ya que estoy escribiendo una trilogía medieva
Muy interesante, al leerlo me llevo a pensar en Elizabeth Bathory, también conocida como La Condesa Sangrienta, aunque no habla de ella las similitudes están, ya que ella fue la primera mujer a la que se consideró vampiro y entre sus antepasados se encuentra Vlad Tepes, en quien esta inspirado el personaje de Drácula.
Me tope con este relato por casualidad y fue en el momento exacto ya que estuve y aun estoy investigando mucho de vampiros y La Condesa ya que estoy escribiendo una trilogía medieval demoníaca con esta tétrica mujer como uno de los personajes principales. Espero el primero de ellos publicarlo para finales de 2020.
...more than
Tim Pendry
Sep 08, 2018 rated it really liked it

This story is from Angela Carter's remarkable 1979 Gothic collection 'The Encarmine Chamber' and was drawn ultimately from a radio play called 'Vampirella'simply more than so from 'Sleeping Beauty' much equally 'Company of Wolves' in the same drove was derived from 'Scarlet Riding Hood'.

In this case, Carter is typically subversive considering it is essentially a tale of romance built around a princess who is 'sleeping' insofar every bit she is ane of the undead until liberated into decease by a sexually naive but noble you

This story is from Angela Carter's remarkable 1979 Gothic collection 'The Bloody Bedchamber' and was fatigued ultimately from a radio play chosen 'Vampirella'but more so from 'Sleeping Dazzler' much as 'Company of Wolves' in the same collection was derived from 'Red Riding Hood'.

In this case, Carter is typically destructive considering it is essentially a tale of romance congenital around a princess who is 'sleeping' insofar as she is one of the undead until liberated into decease by a sexually naive but noble young British armed services officer.

The prose manages to do two things - be lush and be clear, no mean feat when clarity in others can sometimes lack feeling or poetry and lushness can mean obscurity and a tiresome effort for the reader when no try should be required.

The tropes of both fairy tale and vampire literature, besides as more modern romance, are woven together in a way that appears effortless but clearly was non. Fine writing that should brand the interested reader go on to the other stories in the collection.

Steven Godin

Read at the link below. Skilful mode to kill xx minutes.

Jan 01, 2011 rated it it was ok
This review has been subconscious considering it contains spoilers. To view information technology, click hither. On the eve of state of war, an unwary soldier meets the last of the Nosferatu family.

2 jan bbc7 12:30

Mar 05, 2013 rated information technology information technology was ok
From BBC Radio four Extra - A Short History of Gothic:
On the eve of war, an unwary soldier meets the terminal of the Nosferatu family.
Mar 02, 2016 rated it did non like it
It was irksome, menstruation.
I kept reading waiting for some activeness but charade showed up instead..
Fifty-fifty though I am a big fan of vampires (except twilight ofc, duh), I tin't go why some of them have to alive in delapidated castles, dressed in 16th century old rags, and closing themselves all day long in a coffin?! Shut the damn blinds or curtains down and read a volume or draw something or play some music! God! they're immortal, they can live thousand lives, only no, better dwell in depression ..
And don
It was boring, flow.
I kept reading waiting for some action but deception showed up instead..
Even though I am a big fan of vampires (except twilight ofc, duh), I can't get why some of them have to live in delapidated castles, dressed in 16th century one-time rags, and closing themselves all twenty-four hours long in a coffin?! Shut the damn blinds or curtains downwardly and read a book or draw something or play some music! God! they're immortal, they can live thousand lives, but no, better dwell in low ..
And don't get me started on the "hero", lord! even my six years old cousin knows what a vampire is and how to spot i!
Lesser line, worst vampire feel afterwards twilight
New fave.

I'd never read Angela Carter earlier this simply I'd heard of her tangentially through others and decided finally to read her. Her prose is absolutely incredible. Dense without being heavy, lush without beingness majestic. Not a word wasted. There's a lot of meat on the bone to gnaw on and she'due south brilliant. Going to read more of her work in the future.

Jun eighteen, 2015 rated it it was amazing
Just listened the audio version of this, and it was Fabled. The story alone I always adored, merely the narrator was absolutely fantabulous.
Vatroslav Herceg
Naklada Jesenski i Turk
Zagreb, 2015.
Prevela Senka Galenić
Jezik je savršen; liričan, amalgam old skul ranomodernističke furke te postmodernističke vrckavosti, atmosferičan, jednostavno sočan!
U pogledu jezika, a i sadržaja, sve je baš nekako poeovski.
Ako volite gotski žanr i horror, ta pohitajte i Cartericu uzmite u ruke!
Najbolja novela, i proza uopće, Angele Carter! Bar dosada što pročitah od nje unutar korica "Krvave odaje".
Bacit ću malo o sadržaju; vampirica koja živi u nekom napuštenom selu u
Naklada Jesenski i Turk
Zagreb, 2015.
Prevela Senka Galenić
Jezik je savršen; liričan, amalgam quondam skul ranomodernističke furke te postmodernističke vrckavosti, atmosferičan, jednostavno sočan!
U pogledu jezika, a i sadržaja, sve je baš nekako poeovski.
Ako volite gotski žanr i horror, ta pohitajte i Cartericu uzmite u ruke!
Najbolja novela, i proza uopće, Angele Carter! Bar dosada što pročitah od nje unutar korica "Krvave odaje".
Bacit ću malo o sadržaju; vampirica koja živi u nekom napuštenom selu u zelenoj Transilvaniji vabi putem svoje sluškinje vagabunde, pustolove i putnike koji slučajno zalutaju nadomak njena praga.
Cjelokupna atmosfera je poeovska i stokerska. Možda vam zvuči ofucano, no sadržaj je sjajno ostvaren, a ako ste istinski ljubitelji mraka onda ćete uživati u svakoj stranici ove horror novele.
Klasificirao bih ju horrorom prije svega jer je nastala u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća kada o gotskom žanru per se ne možemo zapravo više govoriti.
Topos Transilvanije (odnosno Erdelja kako većinsko domorodačko mađarsko stanovništvo naziva taj kraj) je jedan hommage Stokeru, Lugosiju i svim onima koji posjeduju krila šišmiša.
Sveprisutna Carteričina povezanost ljubavi između čovjeka i nečovjeka ovdje je malo drukčija u tom vidu što se nečovječnost ne realizira putem metamorfoze već putem vampirstva. Najbolji opis nemoguće ljubavi čovjeka i neživog/nemrtvog, odnosno u ovom slučaju vamprice.
https://world wide
¡Hasta pronto!
Wendy Koenigsmann
This story is actually near the Enlightenment, and how it shed light on "darkness," including vampires, religion, superstition, the mystical, and the "make-believe"; however, at the same time, information technology is also about modern society's refusal to believe in the symbolic and literal vampire, which kills all romanticism and even imagination, then information technology is a double-edged sword. This is literally how the vampiress was killed. "I was only an invention of darkness." Strangely enough, the vampiress is more human th This story is actually about the Enlightenment, and how it shed light on "darkness," including vampires, religion, superstition, the mystical, and the "make-believe"; however, at the same time, it is also about modernistic society'southward refusal to believe in the symbolic and literal vampire, which kills all romanticism and even imagination, and so information technology is a double-edged sword. This is literally how the vampiress was killed. "I was merely an invention of darkness." Strangely enough, the vampiress is more than human being than the beau of "reason."

I wrote my own version of this eternal story in which my own vampiress meets a immature man, just this fourth dimension, the tables are turned.

Amanda Artist Cat
I listened to an abbreviated version on BBC Sounds and information technology was sad, macabre, tragic like all decent gothic.
angela carter gets it.... she understands... i love vampires and so much.
November 13, 2019 rated it liked information technology
An interesting story for Halloween. I institute the end rather disappointing though.
Oct 24, 2018 rated information technology actually liked information technology
Ahahah I honey this florid vampire story - it'southward gross, it'due south majestic-prose-tastic and information technology's the fondest reminder of my piffling goth years.

My favourite Carter story and I don't even care.

Ahahah I dearest this florid vampire story - it'due south gross, information technology's majestic-prose-tastic and information technology's the fondest reminder of my little goth years.

My favourite Carter story and I don't even care.

...more than
Oct xvi, 2018 rated information technology liked it
Quite enrapturing and short, easy to read in an hr or 2.

Very gothic and suggestive, nevertheless creates sympathy for the unexpected heroine in this book.

Jul 05, 2020 rated information technology it was amazing
Beautifully written. Gripping, flowing, and bright in its descriptiveness.
Oct 09, 2016 rated it information technology was amazing
This is an empowering story about a female person vampire. A young lady vampire is condemned to live a life (I know vampires aren't live merely you get what I mean :p) of isolation in a castle in an abandoned town in Romania. Her days are spent waiting for her next male victim, who are lured to the castle past her mute maid when they finish by the fountain almost the castle. The lady knows what she has to do, offer them a repast and a night in the warmth of her chambers never to leave. Although she doesn't savour This is an empowering story almost a female vampire. A young lady vampire is condemned to alive a life (I know vampires aren't live just you become what I mean :p) of isolation in a castle in an abandoned town in Romania. Her days are spent waiting for her next male victim, who are lured to the castle by her mute maid when they stop by the fountain near the castle. The lady knows what she has to do, offering them a meal and a night in the warmth of her chambers never to leave. Although she doesn't enjoy information technology, the lady vampire was cursed a long time agone to remain in the castle.
Everything changes when a virginal young Englishman arrives town in a bicycle. A soldier enjoying his final days earlier going to war. He's lured to the castle merely like all those before him but somehow he manages to leave the next forenoon, in fourth dimension to fight in the War.

A beautifully written short story which gifts us with rich description and a poetic language, both of which I utterly adored. The fairy-tale appeal and illustration to Sleeping Beauty were and then clever. The lady was both powerful and limited past the curse that kept her bars in the castle. The whole mystery surrounding the roses was quite interesting.

I'm quite excited to read more of Carter's stories. I accept The Bloody Bedroom and Other Stories and Angela Carter'south Volume of Fairy Tales so I should read 1 of them before long. I highly recommend this story if yous enjoy regal prose and a different take on fairy tales and vampires.

You lot can find more reviews on my blog.
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Emy M.
Jun 01, 2016 rated it really liked it
I must admit, I really enjoyed this short little story. The writing is exquisite and though the plot is very predictable and platitude (pretty much the obvious development of a vampire queen dear story) information technology had that fairy-tale appeal to it. That's one of the biggest selling points for any of Angela Carter'due south works and I am a huge fan of everything and anything inspired by fairy-tales so you can imagine how happy I was when I had the adept fortune of stumbling upon this lovely gem. It was also a huge southward I must acknowledge, I really enjoyed this short little story. The writing is exquisite and though the plot is very anticipated and platitude (pretty much the obvious development of a vampire queen love story) information technology had that fairy-tale appeal to it. That'south i of the biggest selling points for any of Angela Carter'southward works and I am a huge fan of everything and anything inspired by fairy-tales so you can imagine how happy I was when I had the practiced fortune of stumbling upon this lovely gem. Information technology was also a huge selling point for me personally because I'm Romanian and though I don't concur with the delineation of Vlad the Impaler every bit a blood-thirsty monster (very historically inaccurate!) it was dainty to read something which was gear up in my homeland. Personally I would honey if vampires were existent, it would certain make this life more interesting, and I admittedly have pride in hailing from the fictitious dwelling house of the nightly stalkers. I would highly recommend this for anyone who is a lover of the vampiric myth and chagrined by the disaster that is Twilight. ...more
Dec 14, 2015 rated information technology really liked it
I listened to the BBC dramatization with David Tennant equally the reader. Brilliant radio play. David Tennant has a voice that is just perfection.
Tom O'Brien
Dec 21, 2016 rated it really liked it
Atmospheric rather than original, this story thrives on imagined sounds, a sense of claustrophobia and a growing unease. Good spooky stuff with a some nice male female power games hidden in there.
May 18, 2016 rated information technology it was ok
This volume came highly recommended. I guess I just don't have any patience left for vampires. This book came highly recommended. I approximate I just don't take whatever patience left for vampires. ...more than
Dec 22, 2015 rated it liked it
My Rating System:
* couldn't cease, ** wouldn't recommend, *** would recommend, **** would read over again, ***** have read once again.
My Rating Arrangement:
* couldn't terminate, ** wouldn't recommend, *** would recommend, **** would read again, ***** have read again.
Crystal Leigh
Nov 26, 2013 rated it really liked it
Prose style: 5 it's Angela Carter after all.
Plot: 4
Depth of characters: 3
Originality: iv
Entertaining: 4
Emotional Reaction: 4
Intellectual Stimulation: three


Prose style: 5 it'southward Angela Carter after all.
Plot: four
Depth of characters: three
Originality: 4
Entertaining: 4
Emotional Reaction: four
Intellectual Stimulation: 3


...more than
Lauren Davis
Jun x, 2015 rated it it was amazing
Luscious, supple prose and such a darkly erotic temper. Carter is actually unparalleled at this sort of story.
Born Angela Olive Stalker in Eastbourne, in 1940, Carter was evacuated as a child to live in Yorkshire with her maternal grandmother. Equally a teenager she battled anorexia. She began piece of work every bit a journalist on the Croydon Advertiser, post-obit in the footsteps of her male parent. Carter attended the Academy of Bristol where she studied English literature.

She married twice, first in 1960 to Paul Carter. Th

Born Angela Olive Stalker in Eastbourne, in 1940, Carter was evacuated as a child to live in Yorkshire with her maternal grandmother. As a teenager she battled anorexia. She began work as a journalist on the Croydon Advertiser, post-obit in the footsteps of her father. Carter attended the University of Bristol where she studied English literature.

She married twice, beginning in 1960 to Paul Carter. They divorced after twelve years. In 1969 Angela Carter used the proceeds of her Somerset Maugham Award to exit her husband and relocate for two years to Tokyo, Nippon, where she claims in Nada Sacred (1982) that she "learnt what information technology is to be a adult female and became radicalised." She wrote about her experiences at that place in articles for New Society and a drove of short stories, Fireworks: 9 Profane Pieces (1974), and show of her experiences in Nihon tin can also be seen in The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman (1972). She was there at the same time as Roland Barthes, who published his experiences in Empire of Signs (1970).

She and then explored the United states, Asia, and Europe, helped by her fluency in French and German. She spent much of the late 1970s and 1980s every bit a writer in residence at universities, including the University of Sheffield, Chocolate-brown University, the University of Adelaide, and the Academy of East Anglia. In 1977 Carter married Marker Pearce, with whom she had one son.

Equally well as being a prolific writer of fiction, Carter contributed many articles to The Guardian, The Independent and New Statesman, nerveless in Shaking a Leg. She adapted a number of her curt stories for radio and wrote two original radio dramas on Richard Dadd and Ronald Firbank. 2 of her fictions accept been adjusted for the silver screen: The Company of Wolves (1984) and The Magic Toyshop (1987). She was actively involved in both moving-picture show adaptations, her screenplays are published in the collected dramatic writings, The Curious Room, together with her radio scripts, a libretto for an opera of Virginia Wolf'south Orlando, an unproduced screenplay entitled The Christchurch Murders (based on the same true story as Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures) and other works. These neglected works, likewise as her controversial television set documentary, The Holy Family unit Anthology, are discussed in Charlotte Crofts' volume, Anagrams of Want (2003).

At the time of her expiry, Carter was embarking on a sequel to Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre based on the later life of Jane's stepdaughter, Adèle Varens. However, only a synopsis survives.

Her novel Nights at the Circus won the 1984 James Tait Black Memorial Prize for literature.

Angela Carter died aged 51 in 1992 at her home in London subsequently developing lung cancer. Her obituary published in The Observer said, "She was the reverse of parochial. Nothing, for her, was exterior the pale: she wanted to know about everything and anybody, and every place and every word. She relished life and linguistic communication hugely, and reveled in the various."


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The Lady of the House of Love

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